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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Consistency is the Key to Long Term Weight Loss

If your wanting to lose weight, start an exercise program and improve your health then you need to start at the right place for YOU. Usually people wanting to lose weight are given or read about a popular diet from a magazine or book and that's just not the way they eat. Not even close. They lose a little weight, and often times some muscle, and then they go back to they way they use to eat and gain all the weight back.

Most trainers or nutritionist could write or design a diet that would guarantee you to lose weight but within a week or two you'd hate it and quit. If you don't already eat several servings of fruits and veggies a day with lean sources of protein then why would a diet that consist of several servings of these foods help you in the LONG term. Yes, you will lose a couple of pounds with this approach but eventually you'll gain it all back and more if you diet alone.

This article is about diet and weight loss not exercise but since its weight loss information you want I would be doing you a huge injustice if I told you to just eat better. ANYTIME you lose weight without exercise you lose muscle. Muscle is the key to keeping your metabolism high.

If you're having problems with the diet and the exercise part of losing weight let me strongly suggest you start to exercise first. By making your body stronger and fit you'll prepare your body for the small caloric deficit you'll create with your diet. Creating a caloric deficit is key but it doesn't have to be a huge energy draining deficit.

Some questions to ask yourself before you start. What am I willing to do to lose weight? What does my diet presently consist of? Am I willing to make some small sacrifices to achieve my weight loss goals? Am I willing to journal and hold myself accountable to progress or lack of progress?

For More Related Topics Blog: Ace Weight Loss

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