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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Achieve Weight Loss During the Holiday Season Without Depriving Yourself Or Missing a Party

I am going to share how you can achieve weight loss during the holiday season without giving up your favorite foods or even missing out on holiday desserts. If you don't want to lose steam this holiday season and you want to keep your weight loss on track so you can be ahead of the game come January then I encourage you to read on and discover how it can be done easily.

Weight Loss During The Holiday Season

1. Learn how to use a cheat day to boost your weight loss. The absolute secret weapon to getting through the holidays is to learn how to use a high calorie day to keep your metabolism burning fat fast.

The reason traditional dieting methods are so hard over the holidays is because you have to keep your calories low every day with no break in sight, not only is this hard to live with but you are also dropping your metabolism and when your metabolism is slow you have a harder and harder time losing weight.

Enter the solution...

You must give your metabolism a boost every week by eating more. This is not just a theory, this concept of adding a high calorie day to your dieting week in order to speed up your fat burning metabolism is backed by a ton of research as well as real-life examples.

Simply eat your low calorie diet for 6 days and then on day 7 have your holiday meal with all your favorites like stuffing, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes and pie. You will bring your metabolism back up and by the end of the next diet cycle your weight will be significantly less.

2. Be smarter with your exercise. You do not have to exercise longer to lose fat, instead workout with intensity. By adding short burst of high intensity mixed into your normal cardio workout you can increase your body's ability to burn fat for the next 24 hours or more.

If you want to achieve weight loss during the holiday season then follow these diet and exercise strategies and you will be well ahead of everyone come the new year.

For More Related Topics Blog: Home Workouts For Weight Loss

For More Related Topics Blog: Home Workouts For Weight Loss

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